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Fanni Dear Grant,I agree that Alaska seems like a fantastic place to visit. I&#8217;ve heard people describe the Denali National Park in Alaska and it is supposed to be an amazing place. I&#8217;ve even heard people tell about how they take an airplane to a lake where the plane actually lands on the lake, they get out and tour ardn3o&#82u0;and then come back. That almost sounds too amazing to be true.I&#8217;m with you&#8230;this would be a terrific place to visit.Mrs. R | 46.161..xxx.xxx 2017-07-07 08:36:52
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Jonni They&#8217;re under the illusion that if the wait for Hamas to become a real military (with uniforms and everything), then they&#8217;ll be able to formally declare war and get world approval.They forget, of course, that world approval has nothing to do with following the forms of so-called &#a2i0;internat2on8l law.&#8221; There is nothing you can do to make someone love you, even when that someone gives you a list of rules to follow. | 46.161..xxx.xxx 2017-07-07 09:03:23
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2021-04-30 13:53:37
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Whilst Pixie Lott might have made a big change to her hair, when it comes to her quirky style, she hasn&#39;t changed a bit. Last night, she stepped out in her favourite pair of Dolce and Gabbana red platform pumps at London Fashion Week, which we have spotted her in at least twice before. | 5.188.2.xxx.xxx
2021-04-30 14:11:45
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Women and girls are particularly vulnerable. Aid agencies say reports of domestic violence have increased since the refugee crisis began, a common outcome amid the stress, disruption and idleness of refugee settings and poor access to resources and services for women and girls. Social constraints and fear limit their mobility, restricting their access to income-generating activities or health and other critical services. | 5.188.2.xxx.xxx
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In Vietnam, a piece of KFC chicken costs about as much as abowl of Vietnam's trademark all-day meal, pho noodle soup, at32,000 dong ($1.51), and a KFC meal is more than double that.Burger King's burgers go for as much as 85,000 dong. | 5.188.2.xxx.xxx
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